Year 8 Girls' Maths challenge day
Our year 8 girls competed in 5 rounds of the maths challenge as part of the activities week.
They worked in groups of 4 on the group round, in pairs on a cross number challenge and mini relay. They showed off their running and maths skills in the big relay completing the challenge in record time!
Their work on pi chains showed excellent strategic skills working brilliantly as a team. Well done to all of those who competed. Again, our sixth form helpers were outstanding, encouraging their teams and supporting them through the day.
First prize: Jemima C, Harmonie S, Milly M, Amelia C and Natalie R
Second prize: Jess R, Elikem D, Lois B, Kristyna A
Third prize: Coco C, Meadow W, Eva D, Lucie H, Anna U
Some quotes from our students:
"This was a million times better than an ordinary Friday. There was a good variation of doing mathematical equations/thinking about word problems whilst also keeping active and communicating with others." YF 8TSg
"I have really enjoyed activities for today, apart from being stressful at times, I think it made me use my brain quickly and it was great team builder! I had a great day:)" Ruth 8TSg
"I enjoyed today because we got to run, get sweets, make paper chains and work with our friends." Alex 8TSg
"Today was a lot of fun, I personally love maths so I loved it. My favourite activity was the min relay. As a team we won 2 prizes which was a bonus. Would do this again. " Leilah 8MSg
"I got really competitive and frustrated all day! Honestly, I really loved the cross-number maths thing!" Esme 8RPG
"I am really happy with how it went today. Honestly, when I first heard maths day, I thought it would be extremely boring, but I love how the teachers made the challenges fun and interesting. They also incentivised us with treats. My favourite challenge was the mini relay speed challenge. My sixth-former Reece was very helpful and encouraging as well as really funny." Elikem 8RPg
"I enjoyed the day as I don't really like maths that much, but this made me like it a bit more and like more things about the subject." Melody 8KHg
"Today was fun. I had a really nice 6th former (Olive) and enjoyed the running relay." Neve 8RPg