MFL Spelling Bee

On Thursday 20th and Friday 21st June, the MFL department organised their first KS3 MFL Spelling Bee.
Each house fielded 2 participants in Y7, Y8 and Y9. All that took part bravely spelt and translated French or Spanish words all extracted from their year's vocab sheets.
In Y7, special mention to Cody (KH) and Victoria (RP) who battled it out in the second round for their respective house. In the end Cody won with 8 points.
In Y8, we had to go to a "Sudden Death" tie-break round in the French competition to decide on a winner as the accuracy of Ethan (TS) and Adsayan (KH)' s spelling skills was impressive! Mahes (RP) and Freya (KH) - who had stood in at the last minute - went head to head in the second round of the Spanish competition. Mahes spelt and translated her 5 words correctly and gained 10 points for her house.
Finally, in Y9, some really high scores were achieved but in the end, Nadia (TS) and Finley (RP) went through to the second round of the French competition which was won by Finley for RP with 9 points. As for the Spanish, it was won by Rebekah for RP (10 points) but a special mention goes to Sam (KH) who stood in at the very last minute, thinking he was not going to do well but went through to the second round and only lost by one point!
And here were the final results:
1st place RP - 84 points
2nd place KH - 75 points
3rd place TS - 59 points
4th place MS - 35 points
Merci/Gracias to all the participants and Félicitations/Felicidades to the winners!
Mme T