Le Francofil - KS4/KS5 French Film Club

On Thursday 28th September, the French films aficionados of CCGS gathered for the first time this academic year for the first showing of "Le Francofil", our KS4/5 Film Club.
The topic of French Education features on both the GCSE and the A Level curriculum so I had chosen to show "Entre les Murs", an acclaimed "docu-film" (the film received a "Palme d'Or" at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival and was nominated for an Academy Award) which follows the lives of students and teachers at a challenging Paris school. Judging by the reactions of the audience gathered, French schools are quite different to CCGS! The pupils commented about how shocked they were by the way French pupils addressed their teachers and by their behaviour in lessons. They were also sympathetic to the plight of the teachers who were trying to give the best chances to their pupils but were not always met by an open-minded crowd. All in all, and thanks to a generous helping of popcorn, the film was enjoyed, and I think portrayed well the similarities and differences of the French and British school systems.