CCGS Students Gain Oxford and Cambridge University Places

As offers keep flowing in to Chatham & Clarendon Grammar School students applying for universities, four students have just heard the good news that they have an offer from either Oxford or Cambridge.
Logan Jenkins is to study politics, philosophy and economics at Queen's College Oxford, Dhriti Patel is to read law at Girton College, Cambridge, Alanna Griffiths Ennew will be studying music at Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, and Madeleine Sales is study English literature at St John's College, Cambridge.
"At first I didn't want to apply to Cambridge, but after doing the school's online and face to face support programmes, I changed my mind - and I'm really glad that I did!" said Madeleine.
Students across the whole sixth form have been getting in some very impressive offers, with Russell Group universities featuring very well too.
"We are very keen to support every student, so whether it's university or an apprenticeship, we want students to realise their fullest potential, and try our best to help them in that journey. I am always very proud of the futures our many students go on to, and encourage everyone to look at our leavers' destinations to get a flavour of how we help." said Craig Lowis, Head of Sixth Form.
The school has seen students go on to study across the world, and this year is no different with some even applying for Ivy League universities in the US.
More students are also now applying for top end degree apprenticeships at Magic Circle Law firms and big corporations such as BAE Systems and Rolls Royce too.
"We see students join us from all over East Kent, and they are ambitious. We feel very fortunate in helping them to reach their goals." said Mr Lowis.