Personal, Social and Health Education - PSHE
The topics for PSHE education aims to develop skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk-management, team-working and critical thinking in the context of learning grouped into three core themes: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world (including economic wellbeing and aspects of careers education).
Year 7 topics
- Expectations and organisation within the school community
- Staying safe – including travelling to and from school
- Developing Positive Relationships – including different types of relationships, personal strengths and weaknesses, qualities needed within a team/class/friendship environment, respect for one another’s points of view, opinions and personal space and peer pressure.
- Bullying/Cyber Bullying – including race, culture, ability, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation and age
- E-Safety – including social media, gaming and chat websites
- Healthy Lifestyle – including diet and exercise
- Changes – including puberty, body image and self esteem
Year 8 Topics
- Being a responsible Citizen both in and out of school- including having a positive contribution to society
- Community and Law – Including different cultures/traditions and attitudes to different genders.
- Bullying/Cyber bullying
- Racism
- Media - including control and influences
- Personal Well Being
- Drug and Alcohol awareness
- Body changes
- Study Skills
- Healthy Lifestyle – including healthy mind and body
- Economy – including management of money, taxes, loans/mortgages
- Careers – including career pathway through education and work experience
- Introduction to Year 9 choices
Year 9 Topics
- Goal setting and expectations
- Positive Learning Environment
- Communication
- Values
- Human Rights
- Prejudice and Discrimination
- E-Safety including sexting
- Body Image
- Healthy Lifestyle including Drugs and Alcohol Awareness
- Politics
- Sex Education and positive relationships