Parent Information
We strongly recommend that parents/ carers follow us on our department social media for up to date information from the department:
CCGS_PE_DEPT (Instagram) - Our primary social media platform
We strongly recommend that all items of kit are labelled clearly so that we can return items to students.
Mouth guards are compulsory for rugby. As a school we have made mouthguards and shinpads compulsory for all competitive play in hockey.
Appropriate and correct PE kit is something which we take pride in and is an element we expect all pupils to comply with.
The boys are expected to wear the following: For PE; trainers, black shorts and a green polo top. For Games; trainers and boots (depending on the activity), black knee length socks, black shorts and a green rugby top is expected.
The girls are expected to wear the following: For PE; trainers, black/white socks, black shorts/skorts and a black/green polo top. For Games; trainers and boots/astro trainers (depending on the activity), black knee length socks, black shorts/skorts and a black/green hoodie with black tracksuit bottoms and a black thermal top in the winter months.
Mouth guards are compulsary for rugby and shin pads are also highly recommended for hockey.
All PE and Games kit can be bought on the internet at the following address:
Chatham and Clarendon Grammar School Archives - Ambition Sport
Any lost property can be found within the PE department. This will be cleared out every two weeks – so please check regularly.