Mr A Topping - DofE Manager
Mr Topping co-ordinates all aspects of the award, delivers the training sessions to all students and is a trained expedition assessor.
“There is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing.”
Mr A Mayo - DofE Assessor
Mr Mayo assists with the delivering of the training sessions, focusing on the First Aid, to all students and is a trained expedition assessor.
“I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.”
Mrs L Morgan - DofE Assessor
Mrs Morgan is a trained expedition assessor and monitors the eDofE accounts.
“Life is better when you're hiking.”
Mrs J Clark - DofE Assessor
Mrs Clark is a trained expedition assessor and monitors the eDofE accounts.
“The best view comes after the hardest climb.”
Mrs M Stoner - DofE Assessor
Mrs Stoner is a trained expedition assessor.
“Why walk in the shadows of valleys when you could walk on the tops of mountains?”
Mr J Dudley - DofE Assessor
Mr Dudley is a trained expedition assessor.
“Nature is a language, can you read it?”