
We know that wellbeing can affect attendance, so please find a link to our attendance page.


We have collated below a list of useful resources on external websites to assist with Wellbeing and Mental Health


Parents Helpline | Mental Health Help for Your Child | YoungMinds

www.internetmatters.org - What age can my child start Social Networking

NATP - National Association of Therapeutic Parents

NHS - Emotional Health and Wellbeing

Young Minds - Self Harm and Mental Health, a Parent's guide

Parents' A-Z Mental Health Guide - Young Minds

Parents Mental Health Helpline

Childnet — Online safety for young people

ChatHealth - Confidential help and advice

Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams

Self-harm prevention and advice

Health for Teens

Thanet Family Hubs Events Timetable


youngminds.org.uk - Making sure all young people get the best possible mental health support and have the resilience to overcome life’s challenges.

www.childline.org.uk - Get help and advice about a wide range of issues, call us on 0800 1111, talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.

kooth.com - Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people

stem4.org.uk - stem4 is a charity that supports positive mental health in teenagers. Information on mental health, mental health apps and education.

The Mix - Freephone 08088084994. Mental health advice and support for anyone under 25.

Rehad4Addiction - Resources and information about addiction and mental health

Young Minds - Coping with exam stress

Anti Bullying Ambassadors

Childnet — Online safety for young people

Moodspark - A space for young people to help navigate and learn about emotions

Kent and Medway Mental Health Support Teams

Self-harm prevention and advice

Health for Teens


East Area Directory of Support Services 

Guide to Mental Health Support

Kent School Health

www.actionforhappiness.org - Action for Happiness helps people take action for a happier and more caring world.

www.annafreud.org - Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families is a children's charity dedicated to providing training & support for child mental health services.

www.mind.org.uk - Offers an excellent range of materials on all aspects of mental health

www.mentalhealth.org.uk - Our mission is to help people understand, protect and sustain their mental health

www.kent.gov.uk - Release the pressure, don't suffer in silence

Domestic abuse - Kent County Council



www.moodtools.org - app that helps combat depression with 6 evidence-based tools.

Kent and Medway Mental Health Service Instagram

Shout 85258 - the UK's first free, confidential, 24/7 text support service

Name Description Cost Platform
Anxiety and Panic Attacks   
Anxiety United A social network to share experiences and gain information and advice, with a free resource centre. Free Android
Beat Panic Aims to help the user to calm and control breathing when experiencing panic. Guides the user through panic attacks and high anxiety. 79p iOS
Hear and Now: Breathe for Stress & Anxiety Relief Uses biometric feedback to measure the effect of stress on the body. Users follow guided deep breathing exercises and learn to control stress Free iOS
SAM – Self-help for Anxiety Management Self-help methods for tracking and controlling worry, anxiety and associated unpleasant physical sensations.  If they wish, users can share how they feel with others using the app. Free



Stress Tips Advice in the form of audio clips, from people who have also experienced stress and anxiety. 69p



Stop Panic & Anxiety Focuses on Panic Disorder and controlling panic to relieve the fear of panic and panic attacks. Free Android
Dealing with a Crisis


CBT Self

Help Guide

Screening test for depression, relaxation audios, a diary, articles and CBT suggestions Free  Android
MindShift Helps the user to identify and plan for situations that cause anxiety. Includes detailed information on perfectionism, worry, test and performance anxiety, social fears and panic. Free



MoodTools Questionnaire, videos on guided meditations, soothing sounds and TED talks focusing on aspects of depression. A comprehensive section on thought records and how to make them. Section on developing a safety plan. Free



Toxic Thinking A clear strategy: recognising the symptoms, knowing what action to take and knowing who to involve. Free



Mood Tracker A website/app which lets users track moods and sleep patterns helping to manage depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder.

Free but in-app Products

£1.99 per item

Dealing with a crisis
Wellmind An NHS app. Advice and tips on how to improve mental health and wellbeing. Functions to help monitor moods, get crisis help and use relaxation audio tracks. Free



What's Up Immediate ways to manage anxiety. Includes a catastrophe scale to put problems into perspective and forums to talk with others. There is a personal section to track how you feel by keeping a diary, a positive habits and negative record. Free



Recovery Record An app for those recovering from eating disorders including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, obsessive eating disorder, binge eating disorder and compulsive eating disorder. Free



Calm harm

For young people who are self-harming, four strategies: 

  • Distract - combat the urge by learning self-control;
  • Comfort - care rather than harm;
  • Express - get feelings out in a different way;
  • Release - safe alternatives to self-injury.



Stay Alive App

Quick access to UK national crisis support helplines for those who are having thoughts of suicide or those who are concerned about someone else. Includes a  mini-safety plan that can be filled out by a person considering suicide

A LifeBox to which the user can upload photos from their phone reminding them of their reasons to stay alive

Strategies for staying safe from suicide

How to help a person thinking about suicide

Suicide myth-busting

Research-based reasons for living


