Our Learning Ethos
Our learning ethos at CCGS is based on the belief that habits of kindness, hard work and effort are habits not just necessary for success in school - but for life.
CCGS Students
Never give up. They remain positive so that they have the strength to persevere with even the hardest work. They do what it takes for as long as it takes.
Are honest. They do what they say they’ll do and don’t make excuses. They admit they have made mistakes and learn from them.
Approach all subjects with an open mind and intellectual curiosity.
Practise things until they can master them because getting things right can take a long time.
Have autonomy. They have the drive to direct their own lives; they don’t expect others to do it for them.
Our principles are based on a pedagogical approach which focusses on mastery of the curriculum, perseverance, and autonomy to foster the mindset and habits necessary to succeed. To ensure that students are getting the best possible education across the school we continually reflect on what we are doing and why. We use evidence and research to ensure we are up to date with the most effective educational practice. Our school encourages parental, family and student involvement as we strive to create an environment where we are working for the betterment of all.
Our systems support students to become their best
Our learning ethos communicates a genuine care and enthusiasm for everyone’s success and a belief that everyone can improve and succeed. We have high expectations of our students, and as such, we have systems in place that enable them to progress. At the same time, we try to teach our students to accept that they are not perfect and will make mistakes. We use our system of same-day, centralised corrections (or P6 as we call it) to help students regulate their behaviour swiftly and encourage good learning habits. This means we have a ‘fresh start’ policy the next day and parents are immediately informed of any issues so they can support their child in partnership with us. Many students attend voluntarily and use it as an opportunity to keep on top of their studies or receive academic support from staff.
Our teaching and learning helps students realise their potential
As part of our learning ethos, we also teach and plan for students with an understanding of cognitive science principles. We know that students do not remember things because of insufficient time or attention spent on them, and because of insufficient practice, consolidation or application. We work on the principles that practice makes progress and success rates lead to greater motivation. Teachers think backwards and identify the issues a ‘novice’ will have because they know as ‘experts’, their processes are different. We are aware that what students think about most carefully is what they will understand and remember. With this in mind, we use strategies that increase participation ratios so we can assess thinking every lesson for all students.
We are committed to making a difference where it matters most
The original raison d’etre of ‘the grammar school’ as an instrument of social mobility remains a responsibility we take seriously today. We work to improve the future for thousands of children in Thanet where young lives are adversely affected by social disadvantage. We believe that every child, regardless of their background, should be able to fulfil their academic potential and go on to thrive. We work hard to ensure they have the knowledge and cultural capital to do so.