In education, teachers and school staff are crucial in ensuring the safety and protection of pupils
All staff at CCGS are required to complete mandatory Safeguarding training annually
Designated Safeguarding Leads at CCGS
Debra Liddicoat
Tom Richford
Lucy Harris
Lisa ClementsÂ
Craig Lowis
Stuart Wakefield
Kersten Jebbett
Reporting Concerns
Any safeguarding concerns should be reported to
Members of the public are also encouraged to report safeguarding concerns through the Kent Children's Services Portal
Prevent referral
If you are concerned about a young person being at risk of radicalisation you contact your Prevent Education Officers for North & West Kent to talk through your concerns and a proportionate response
LADO referral
Useful Contacts
Kent Social Services - 03000 419191
NSPCC - 0808 800 5000
Safeguarding Resources
We have links to useful safeguarding resources on our Wellbeing page
School Policies
Acceptable use of ITChild ProtectionDealing with Allegations of AbuseE-safetySafer RecruitmentÂ