
Year 7

In Year 7 the students’ initial programme of learning covers the period 1066-1485 and the two main enquiry questions focus on how everyday life changed for people in this period and how ‘power’ changed in the same period. The final investigation continues the chronological progression by examining the causes and consequences of religious change in the Tudor era. 


Year 8

In Year 8 the students’ initial programme of learning covers the period 1500-1650 and focusses on England and Britain’s interaction with Europe and the World. The students then complete a breadth study examining a range of political revolutions (from the Roman to the Iranian). The chronological progression continues as the students investigate the conditions and position of people in Britain in the years 1688-1918. 


Year 9

In Year 9 the students’ programme of learning focuses on world events in the Twentieth Century. The students examine the origins, as well as the ‘Home Front’, of both the First and Second World Wars. The students will also investigate the causes and significance of the Holocaust as well as studying the origins and course of the Cold War. 


Year 10 and 11 (GCSE)

The students follow the AQA examination syllabus. Paper 1 sees the students investigate aspects of the 20th Century in depth including Germany 1890-1945 and the origins and development of the Cold War 1945-1972. Paper 2 requires the students to complete a ‘breadth’ topic focussing on public protest and the development of rights across a wide time frame (in this case circa 1170-2000) as well as completing a ‘depth’ investigation on Norman England 1066-1100. All of the components are examined in the summer exam season of Year 11.


Year 12 and 13 (A-Level)

In Year 12 the students will study Germany in the years 1918-1989 examining the period in breadth and Italy in the years 1911-1945 where the focus will be on in-depth analysis. In Year 13 the students complete a piece of individual coursework on a topic of their choice and complete a broad synoptic unit on Britain from the late eighteenth century until the early twentieth. To achieve the full A-Level qualification the students will sit three examinations at the end of the two year programme of study.