About the Lower School


The Lower School, based on the beautiful Chatham House site is made up of Years 7, 8 & 9 boys and girls. This provides all students with an absolutely unique concept. A mixed environment whilst providing single sex teaching in all subjects.

The school is unashamedly built on old - fashioned values of respect and good manners. All students show great pride in their school with helps to create an ideal environment for learning and a strong ethos, helping them to mature in preparation for their move to the Upper School.

With only Year 7, 8 & 9 at Chatham House, the school has a small, friendly and inclusive atmosphere on a large site. This is ideally suited to assist the transition from Primary to Secondary School for the new Year 7 students.

The Lower School is led by a very strong pastoral team, with the Houses creating a very personal experience for all students.


Pastoral Structure

All students see their form tutor each and every day. This offers students a first port of call for any issues that they are experiencing. Form groups are separated into boys and girls

Students are divided into houses:

Each House is led by an experienced Head of House, as listed above. The Head of House coordinates all the House activities and manages the team of form tutors in that house.

Heads of House are the second port of call for any issues.

Miss L Harris - Senior Tutor, leads the pastoral structure of the Lower School, providing the third port of call for any issues, and Mr Richford oversees the pastoral care from years 7-11.

You can contact the Senior Tutor by emailing lharris@ccgrammarschool.co.uk

Above the Senior Tutor, Mr C Goodwin – Deputy Headteacher manages the Lower School.

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